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What was that transit object today

Carl Au

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I feel a little silly posting this but...

Around 5 this evening an object transited across the face of the sun while I was white light observing. It moved too slowly for a satellite 🛰

Any ideas? 

Edited by Carl Au
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4 minutes ago, Carl Au said:

I feel a little silly posting this but...

Around 5 this evening an object transited across the face of the sun while I was white light observing. It moved too slowly for a satellite 🛰

Any ideas? 

What shape was it? Could be a weather balloon?

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Any idea of how long it took to transit the sun?  What direction was it moving relative to the sun/horizon?  How about size relative to the sun?  Remember, satellites move at all sorts of different speeds depending on their orbital altitude.  A geosynchronous satellite would stay in the same location on the sky while the sun passes behind it, for instance.

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28 minutes ago, Stu said:

What shape was it? Could be a weather balloon?

This does sound silly, but it did look a bit  like that 🛰 and about the same size relative the sun. I was not using very high magnification, I was using a zoom at the time and can’t remember exactly what the mag was. 

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