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New to EQ6R need some help.

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Hey I’m 15 years old and I’ve just got a 2nd hand EQ6R it’s just over a year old and my guiding is just getting going. My RA is acting incredibly awful with a graph which is incredibly terrible. I’m also unsure of the best guiding settings to use? My RA is at around 135” and my DEC is around 1.8” I’m unsure why it’s acting so awfully. Thanks guys

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I am no expert in matters relating to guiding but it might help others help you if you post some images of your setup including scope, camera, guide scope and camera, etc., You could also describe how you've balanced your mount in both RA and DEC and the process you've used for polar aligning the mount prior to imaging. If you could attach your PHD2 guide log file that might also help the PHD experts on the forum.

I operate an AZ-EQ6 and once carefully balanced and accurately polar aligned I typically achieve an RMS figure of less than 0.5" on a good 'seeing' night and certainly less than 1" in general.



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Guiding is simple providing you follow some important steps...first of all how are you guiding? ST4 or pulse guiding? 

Balance is key to good guiding

Depending how you guide depends on where you calibrate, if you use ST4 you will need to calibrate on every target and after every flip

If you pulse guide you need to calibrate on the equator, merdian/Dec 0 intersection and providing you have checked the box to keep the calibration data you don't need to do it again, so point the scope south if you're northern hemisphere and a good way to find Dec 0 is to click on the drift align tab this brings up the position of where it's pointing and adjust until you have dec 0 and depending on what side of pier it is depend on if you're west or east of the meridian


So once you have you balance, got a decent polar alignment, calibrated etc I'd run the guiding assistant and apply the settings... Simply increasing min mo, Ra and Dec aggression can be a endless task.. run it for at least a full worm cycle( Google says it's 478.6894 secs), it says 2 mins but if you run it for the full worm cycle then it has a chance to measure what the mount does over the full cycle If you really want to get those figures down you could run pec on your mount and phd2 has ppec( predicted period error correction) but for the time being just run the guiding assistant


Edited by Same old newbie alert
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