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Not enough inward travel

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Whilst trying my adjustments tonight and first light with my. 85x FF reducer I didn't have enough inward travel on the focus tube to reach focus. 

I'm using a sw 72ed AzGti eq mode. Then attached to my focus tube is the rotator from FLO (a 2 inch zwo attached to the rotator scope side) then the 0.85X reduced FF, then the 16.5mm spacer, then the 21mm spacer then tilt adjuster which adds up to 55mm from sensor to FF. But I still have not enough inward travel, do I need an extension someone in the imaging train. Sorry for sounding thick. I couikd reach focus before with my ovl FF and same set up. 

I'll attach a picture of my imaging train. 



Edited by AstroNebulee
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20 hours ago, Clarkey said:

Can you get focus without the rotator? I'm guessing this adds a few mm. Not sure if the ED80 flattener may be a problem on the 72?

I can't fit the reducer flattener to the scope without the rotator. I contacted flo and could connect the reducer flattener to the rotator and scope but think it went haywire as I thought I had a newer 72ed but turns out I think I have the older one which the 0.85X Ed80 reducer flattener isn't compatible. So my bad. @FLO

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20 hours ago, Clarkey said:

I think if you look at the FLO website it says it won't work. Link below - read the note.🙁



Yep read that one before too. It says it won't work if you don't use the adapter for it which isn't available separately. The rotator I have is for the short tube 72ed as stated in note 1 on the FLO rotator page some cameras won't reach focus with the rotator but I can with my ovl FF so I should be able to with the. 85x one 🤔 and note 2 is incorrect as you can use it with a ovl FF as many have done in the past. My scope seems to be the old longer 72ed as I've no sticker on the scope suggesting to use a 360 rotator. 


Edited by AstroNebulee
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Thanks Clarkey, it looks suspciously like the skywatcher rotator I bought from FLO doesn't it. 

I've emailed Alex back at flo hopefully hear back moro with some good news, other than that I'm a baffoon. 


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