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Guiding/Tracking issues

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I put a couple of rubber washers under the guide scope bracket so it’s very tight but I think I do prefer it on the side so might move it back. There isn’t much weight difference between the ASIAir and the guide scope so I don’t think there is much advantage this way anyway

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The lower sheathed cable looks neat, and is in a nice smooth curve, but if it's stiff it could make matters worse.

Rubber washers under the guidescope bracket ?

Making the mount more wobbly isn't going to help !

If the bracket is tending to rotate then a metal lock-washer is required.


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The cables are pretty loose so shouldn’t be a problem. It’s difficult to know what length they need to be though. I’d prefer to use coiled cables instead (like pigs tails) but I’m struggling to find a coiled ST4 cable.

The guide scope is pretty solid on top but I’m going to move it back when I get a longer dovetail I think.

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I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who helped here.  I’m imaging M42 again tonight and am 147 20 second exposures in and have very little drift this time.  Whatever the problem was, it seems to have been resolved. I’m looking forward to processing the data this week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just thought I would update this in case it helps anyone out. I’ve had to remove the cable Braid from the cables going to the mount as I have getting really bad tracking problems. It must have been too tight as tracking improved as soon as I removed this and just let the cables hang.

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