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Collimation question for the StellaLyra CC F12 owners

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After coming to the conclusion my scope needed collimating as the focus was just a tad out im needing a bit of advice on the primary mirror collimation, im using a cheshire and a Rigel Align but cannot see the edge of the primary baffle no matter what i do, eyes are not what they once were and struggling to see this without 100X magnification🙂 overall the secondary baffle looks in the centre of the view and all else looks concentric to me but without being able to see that primary edge im just not so sure, so the question is would it show if i tried to get more light down the tube?  does it have to be way off to even see it? or any other way that you guys might suggest?, i have been trying the Deep Sky Instruments way just to get my head around it and included a snippet to try and explain a bit more clearer what i mean, thanks for any help


Edited by WbRaDy
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In your pdf attachment it says..Optical Axis (Primary Mirror) Adjustment The optical axis is denoted by a thin outline of light (white) around the perimeter of the view through the collimation cap or Cheshire eyepiece (Figure 8A)

But i cannot see that outline of white light where it says Optical axis unless im missing something i cannot see it in that 1st image either...Thanks John



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One 25mm extension removed, now things look better :) ,had a go with the camera the other day and forgot i left it on,  i can see the white ring when the mirror is out of line, bringing it back in line to even things out makes the white ring disappear, its either a very very fine white line or has someting to do with the lighting so will get some daylight on it to try and improve it, at least i can see it now...thanks again John 👍

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