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Target Suggestions for Midnight


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For tonight 12th January 2022 - UK BASED

At a complete loss and a brain melt and just can't think of some targets to image tonight. So can anyone give me some pointers please ?

Up until about 1am I will be imaging the Orion / Rosette region, but after 1am this all goes out of view in my location and I am at a loss as to what to switch to.

I am after something widefield (400mm) that is fairly high up in the sky and West - Southwest - South 

Many thanks for any suggestions

Edited by Catanonia
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13 hours ago, newbie alert said:

M81/ m82 are quite small at 400mm fl

Markarians chain is a nice fit even thou they're still quite small you fit the majority of them all in.. 

So you was looking something east of Orion,  not west

DOH !!!!!!!!  yes East of Orion.  Stupid me

M81/82 were done to capture the IFN and it works well at 400mm, see the image.

Got some subs on Leo's and Markarians (about 2 hours each) and yet to process


FInal Combined.jpg

Edited by Catanonia
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