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Io transiting Jupiter right now!


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I swapped ZWO's IR850 for Optolong's IR685 and took a look at Jupiter. I saw a dim shadow and decided to look if any moon was transiting and, yes, according to Sky & Telescope Jupiter's Moon, Io was transiting. So I made a quick capture (and process):


Despite being the planet so low, it seems like I got some not so bad data :-). Pity I didn't have the colour camera, though, because if I am not mistaken, the white blob below is the GRS also transiting...


The gear:

  • Celestron CPC 800 GPS XLT
  • GSO dielectric mirror diagonal
  • GSO 2.5x barlow lens
  • Optolong IR685
  • Risingcam GPCMOS02000KMA (Sony IMX290 mono)

The software:

  • ToupSky
  • Autostakkert
  • RegiStax 
  • The Gimp

Thanks for looking,


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