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Rigel Quickfinder out of focus circles

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New Rigel Finder arrived- circles viewable but very out of focus and not the sharp concentric rings  I was expecting. Feels like it needs a focus knob but clearly not an option. Very similar situation to that described in this post from 2019. 

As a glasses wearer I though it may be an issue with that - not tried with contacts yet. 
Hoping someone in the community can help.  Could it be a defect in the product? I’ve used the Celestron Starpointer Pro previously and that had pin sharp concentric circles - if that can be a reasonable barometer of the quality of the view expected?

Thanks in advance. 

Edited by Astro_Dad
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I've just had a look through mine and it's not very focused either. I can't say I've noticed before. I tend to use the finder from several inches away and keep both eyes open, one looking through the finder and the other into the sky. I have it turned down as far as possible and still see it, but like you I'm in light polluted skies so it still has to be quite bright to get any contrast.


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IIRC, the RQF projects/focuses the circles at about 6 feet, not infinity, so there is some parallax with the sky if you move your head side to side.  Perhaps this difference in focus with respect to the sky makes them look odd?  My 20 year old copy has always had sharp circles, but I can't rule out a design change somewhere along the way, either.

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1 hour ago, Louis D said:

IIRC, the RQF projects/focuses the circles at about 6 feet, not infinity, so there is some parallax with the sky if you move your head side to side.  Perhaps this difference in focus with respect to the sky makes them look odd?  My 20 year old copy has always had sharp circles, but I can't rule out a design change somewhere along the way, either.

Could be thanks for the idea - still not sharp as you describe your version is though. It may be that in practice it doesn’t  matter - just feel that sharp concentric circles would make star hopping and navigation that much easier. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to conclude this, I was kindly sent a replacement by FLO and to be honest it is very similar so I’m assuming it’s just part of the design, or my eyes ! I’m going to stick with it. 
Unlike other RDF type finders I’ve noticed it can’t be aligned in daylight as the circles do not project brightly enough. Presume others here just use a distant light or similar to do this?! I’ve adjusted a regular RDF at night on the moon but not ideal… 

Update: working well - aligned at dusk on usual distant landmark and I can see will be a very useful addition. Circles seem more in focus than previous under dark conditions - all good. 

Edited by Astro_Dad
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