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Help with an adaptor

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I would be grateful for some advice.  I have an Earthwin Power Switch, a device I bought second hand. This allows me to go from 0.67x to 1x to 2x magnification of my binoviewers by sliding a barlow lens and focal reducer into the light path.  

As you can imagine, this is a very convenient way to observe as I can switch from low to high power without changing eyepieces.

It came with an adaptor (in the centre of the two photos) that connects into the power switch itself but is the wrong size for my diagonal.  

I must admit to being a bit bamboozled by all the different types of threads and connectors on the market.  Does anyone know what I need to order to screw into the diagonal so that I can connect to the power switch? 

Thanks in advance!



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Your powerswitch looks like it's a 2" push fit, if it is then an ordinary 2"-1.25" adaptor should work, though I don't know how the different spacings may effect the magnification factor.

A Baader T2 1.25" prism diagonal with a 2" nose would get you closer to the intended spacing with the adaptor shown.


Web capture_21-12-2021_9431_astrovest.ro.jpeg

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On 21/12/2021 at 09:31, MarkRadice said:

Does anyone know what I need to order to screw into the diagonal so that I can connect to the power switch? 

Hi Mark

You can't screw anything into the Diagonal, as the chrome part is Push Fit only.

So push the diagonal into that 2"-1.25" adaptor and lock with the side screw.

Then push all that into the Power Switch, only far enough to not foul the glass bits, and lock with the side screw.



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A quick google showed up a few users of this, some on SGL and others on Cloudynight.  Hard to advise as there are few people who have even seen one of these (me included).

However, it would appear that the 2" nosepiece is expected to go into your focuser (what size focuser are you hoping to connect?). The other side, and presumably the adapter, are for direct connection to a binoviewer (or a special diagonal as an alternate).

Does it have a model number on the powerswitch as that may let you find a pdf manual for it?

Would also help if you mention which binoviewers you have as the adapter for them is probably not a standard. Spacing could also be an issue depending on the scope it will be used with, refractors may need the diagonal.

Best link for info you may need I could find was this hope it helps.


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