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Comet Leonard C/2021 A1 AT 6.50 AM December 5th (EAA)

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95 x 4 second livestack in Sharpcap using a 14¨ Dobson. This was a session of mixed emotions. From despondent to elated. After battling clouds high winds and bad flats,  I finally managed to get this 6 minute stack at 6.55 am while the comet was at about 48 degrees Alt. This was shortly before sunrise as the comet rose into a clear area of the sky.  It was much brighter than I expected. I could even see the head of the comet, with the scope,  when it was visibly light outside at 7.16 am. Expecting this comet to brighten several fold in the next week or so. In this image you an clearly see the reddish dust trail and the bluish ion tail/cloud. There is also  some good  detail towards the head
This image is a slightly cropped  direct output of a livestack using Sharpcap. No other postprocessing or enhancement   This was the best of multiple 5-10 minute stacks I made between 6 and 7 am.  The detail in the head always showed up within the first couple of minutes of stacking.

More details at Comet Leonard C/2021 A1 AT 6.50 AM December 5th (EAA) ( Mike Dobres ) - AstroBin

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