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how do these go together? C8 edge o.7x reducer and atik 414ex ( Vlaiv ?)

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Indeed, pixel scale is 0.95"/px. In my view that is still very high sampling rate to be useful on a day to day basis, but it can be used.

I'm at that sampling rate (or very close at 1"/px) with my 8" RC and ASI1600 (when I bin x2 small pixels). Sometimes it works, but most of the time it is still to much.

Here is an example of such resolution with heq5 that did not really work:


it's ok image - you can see the target and all - but it looks blurry when viewed at 100% zoom (this is just crop and if you view it on computer it will be already at 100% zoom).

None of above stars are pin points.

Sometimes it works better:


Notice difference in star sizes between these two images. There are nights when this combination is very poor because seeing is very poor:


For general use - I'd say that it still very high resolution, but if that is something that you have on hand - well, go for it.

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