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I recently started a thread inviting anyone who wanted to for an East Lancs spot for some viewing. https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/386004-calling-all-east-lancashire-enthusiasts/

Well I took my granddaughter there tonight with the Taurus and although it is a great place in terms of location, the foot and other car traffic lets it down. Night runners with bright head torches and so much traffic even though its a remote car park, unreal.

To results, well I got a few fairly easy targets for my granddaughter who is just 12 but she is totally in love with space and all that goes with it. So I managed to show her all five planets on show tonight.

She was mega impressed when I told her how far Neptune is from earth in KM. She was equally as impressed when I showed her and then explained the distance to Andromeda in terms of light years.

She loved both Albireo stars and the colours.

Finally I showed her the dumbbell and then explained how filters worked and she was thrilled when it went from a small smudge to an object with shape and definition. 

Sadly the clouds appeared sooner than forecast and so the session was finished in an hour, I had only planned for an hour and half anyway, don't want to overdo it with a little one.

Upside, I know not to go there again and my G/daughter loved it.  🤩


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Just lovely that you get the opportunity to share those moments with her, very special indeed. 

I dragged my dob out of the garage Sunday evening to quickly show my 80 year old father in law Jupiter and Andromeda, it's really great to be able to do that.

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yeah totally agreed, seeing someone's face light up when you show them some of the wonders is first class.

To be fair my GD had a quick five second look and that was it, I think she enjoyed me explaining things nearly as much.

However she also saw two shooting stares which I forgot to mention in the report and was super thrilled at that too.

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