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Whats wrong with my new Cam

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Been trying out my new Orion Deep SKy Imager tonight but am having a wee issue. If I take a 120second exposure all is well but when I take a 5 mins exposure the image is well.....I dunn...messy?

Take a look and see what you think, the first image is 120secs the 2nd one is 360seconds.


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Looks like light Pollution Craig. Is the Orion DSI similar to the Meade DSI.? Amp glow? although it seems fairly severe to be that.

Does dark subtraction help, or have you not tried?


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That looks like amp glow to me Craig, why it's so bad in a slightly longer exposure I don't know, I would have expected to see some in the first one for it to be that bad in the second.

Can you turn the amp off in the software on that cam?

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It has an onboard Peltier cooler so I would be very surprised if it is amp glow. I think it may be light pollution as I have had a series of 460second (Supposed to be 360secs but it was dark when I typed it in!) and they seem to be OK.

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