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Deep Sky Calendar issues


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Hi starpeople! 

I am planning on giving my hard work away to my family this Christmas in the form of a photo calendar

Disclaimer, I am not using a calibrated monitor.

I have downloaded images and built calendars with 4 different companies so far and I am seeing vastly different results in the representation of my data. 

I have tried bonusprint, photobox, printer pix and bootsphoto 

Bonus print seem to represent what I want to see in my final images so far as the others seem to alter the exposure, contrast or even colour of my files on screen 

The worst one is M13. Some of the representations look like my earlier attempts at the globular cluster! 

I’m finding it frustrating, I am happy to pay the £22 price of bonusprint but will I get the image I see on screen? 

Has anyone here had experience? 

can you recommend a service that has worked well for you? 

Thank you in advance for any help



Edited by assouptro
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This sounds like a brilliant idea Bryan. Adding my comment here just to follow the thread, as I'd like to try this in future when I have more images :)

Although I could raise the question "why don't you calibrate your monitor?" it doesn't explain why some of your final images look different with some vendors. What file format to you export your final image as? Perhaps there's something going on with colour palettes in the metadata of the image (eg sRGB or Adobe RGB). 

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8 hours ago, Richard_ said:

This sounds like a brilliant idea Bryan. Adding my comment here just to follow the thread, as I'd like to try this in future when I have more images :)

Although I could raise the question "why don't you calibrate your monitor?" it doesn't explain why some of your final images look different with some vendors. What file format to you export your final image as? Perhaps there's something going on with colour palettes in the metadata of the image (eg sRGB or Adobe RGB). 

Hi Richard 

Thanks for getting involved!

To answer your first question, my monitor is actually my laptop screen, and although it’s a reasonably spec’d laptop (MSI leopard) it’s a gaming laptop and  when I’ve tried to calibrate it before it doesn’t seem to be as versatile as a pc with separate monitor. 

As to your second question, all the calendar Interfaces want jpg images, most of my images are tiffs so I convert them in photoshop whilst increasing the dpi to maintain resolution.

I will try to add screenshots of the different results so you can see the differences but if you want to try it for yourself start a couple of calendars even if you only add one or two images with bonusprint and photobox, it doesn’t take long to do and see for yourself if there are any differences in the uploaded files 



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3 minutes ago, assouptro said:

Hi Richard 

Thanks for getting involved!

To answer your first question, my monitor is actually my laptop screen, and although it’s a reasonably spec’d laptop (MSI leopard) it’s a gaming laptop and  when I’ve tried to calibrate it before it doesn’t seem to be as versatile as a pc with separate monitor. 

As to your second question, all the calendar Interfaces want jpg images, most of my images are tiffs so I convert them in photoshop whilst increasing the dpi to maintain resolution.

I will try to add screenshots of the different results so you can see the differences but if you want to try it for yourself start a couple of calendars even if you only add one or two images with bonusprint and photobox, it doesn’t take long to do and see for yourself if there are any differences in the uploaded files 



Hi Bryan, 

Ah, fair enough! I use an Asus gaming laptop so I understand where you're coming from. 

I have some of my images as JPEG on my phone. Whilst I may be adding another device into the mix, I'll have a look to see if they appear different on the websites you suggest. 

Out of curiosity, do you use pixinsight? I only ask because that's what I use to edit my images with and what I use to export my TIF images as JPEG. I can see that you use photoshop for this task. 

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1 hour ago, Richard_ said:

Hi Bryan, 

Ah, fair enough! I use an Asus gaming laptop so I understand where you're coming from. 

I have some of my images as JPEG on my phone. Whilst I may be adding another device into the mix, I'll have a look to see if they appear different on the websites you suggest. 

Out of curiosity, do you use pixinsight? I only ask because that's what I use to edit my images with and what I use to export my TIF images as JPEG. I can see that you use photoshop for this task. 

I use a mixture of ps pi and app also topaz denoise in the mix!

Although I’ve been imaging for 12 or so years I’ve only just bought pi so I’m slowly learning my way around the interface!👨‍🎓

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The problem is most definitely how the different print companies are interpreting the colour space in your images. Typically, if I remember rightly, a printer would want a colour image in something like CMYK so they can accurately reproduce the colours.

You might you need to alter the colour/brightness for the printer, so the finished result is what you expect....

I know we had similar issues when we started printing calendars years ago,,,

And calibrate your monitor :) and if possible, view on a larger/different (TV?) screen that is also calibrated!


Do the printers want JPG format? This is a 'lossy' format and compresses the data. Do any of them accept TIFF or different formats?


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