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Standard newbie question.. :)

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Hi everyone,

So, today was a very exciting day. I've bought my first proper telescope! (I'm not counting the powerseeker 127eq). I saw a few folks in the thread saying they were in similar positions in years gone by, so having pulled the trigger i thought i'd lay out my decision here to tie this off for anyone at a similar point in the future.

After endless internet research, I went to the local telescope shop and chatted to the chap there - it was so helpful, as someone suggested, to see the scopes in the flesh. I explained what i wanted from my first scope, what options i was thinking of, and what my budget was. We ran through all of the options that were discussed here - and some entirely new ones too. So after popping out for a coffee, cake and a final think-through... I ended up right back where i started - I'm now the very excited owner of a 130PDS and an eq-3-2 mount.

I know some of you actually advised against this combo (well, I think more this mount tbf), but I think what's changed is my intentions/expectations and understanding - I'm now planning on using it primarily for visual right now. The chap in the shop wasn't concerned about mounting the 130 on the eq3-2 and I've read other threads on SGL (I've read so many threads!!) where it's worked out for some folks trying (some) AP so i think it's fair to say opinion is divided there. I respect the opinion of those advising against the eq3-2 and realise this mount isn't man enough for proper AP but i didn't have the budget to go bigger, didn't want something less portable right now, and I'm comfy with knowing that this part of the setup is something that'll need replacing if/when i want to go further down that road - plus, frankly, it'd be a bit wasted on me at this time. But wanting to leave that door open did feed into the decision for the 130pds rather than a different, more specifically visual, scope - like the Dob - where I'd be looking to replace with (or, lets be honest, add) another scope in that circumstance too.

Given the decision to focus on visual right now, I also thought long and hard about EQ mounts vs AZ mounts, and settled on EQ for a couple of reasons - EQ makes nice sense to me and I'm comfy doing the mount alignment, I liked the idea of having one handle to turn for tracking things once i've found them, the AZ4 i looked at didn't have slow motion controls which just seem so handy (i know other AZ mounts do), and i like the possibility of adding an RA motor later on for tracking - this'll definitely come in handy when the kiddos are a bit older and want to view things with me for a bit longer. I still don't see me upgrading to the GoTo kit - though ask me again after an unsuccessful night of hunting! But again, i like the option to add to the gear i've chosen, rather than replace it all. I feel like I've ended up with a setup that'll suit me well for a good few years and only run out of road if i get seriously into AP - which probably would mean a longer sit down conversation with the wife/bank manager!

I also scoured 2nd hand listings, and very nearly went that way but eventually i decided I didn't want to spend what would have been less, but still a lot, of money and end up without any aftersales support or such confidence that the gear is all tip-top. I can see myself going 2nd hand for later purchases, but just not for first scope.

Thanks to some very kind relatives, I've already got some extras too. I'm all tooled up with a barlow, a collimation cap, a telrad finder and a copy of 'Turn left at orion'. So if only these clouds would clear, I'd be well away :) 

Thank you to all the people that contributed to this and offered me their advice - this is such a common question here so I'm very grateful for people taking the time to advise yet another newbie. I really feel like i shook all the trees and kicked all the tyres of the decision here, and that's really great.






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