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Not sure if this is just Halo's or Noise? Any ideas how I can fix this on Pixinsight?

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Hi Everyone:

I just recently modded by DSLR and really happy to see much more red in my images. I tried taking a picture of the Heart nebula. I have an 8 inch 3.9F Orion Newt, powered by ASI Air Pro on a CEM 40 mount.

I am really happy with the final picture, but im a novice on Pixinsight. If I zoom into the stars, I see like long strands over the stars (like greyish roads?)  I'm not sure what they are. Are these artefacts of some kind?

Any ideas on how I can create a clearer picture between the stars?, would really be appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,





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Love the image:)

A few hands on before-you-process ideas from our 208mm f3.9 which saved us a lot of head scratching and should help clean the mottle...

Lose any dark frames.

Dither between exposures and stack with a clipping algorithm.

Remove the mirror clips and instead, fix the mirror using neutral silicone sealant at the same points you find cork/felt/nylon to glass.

Cut the secondary end of the focuser barrel if it is protruding into the light path. It most likely will be.

Cheers and HTH

Edited by alacant
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1 hour ago, Durrani84 said:

If I zoom into the stars, I see like long strands over the stars (like greyish roads?) 

Those are just denoising artifacts.

Try processing your image without denoising algorithm applied.

In a busy star field denoising can blur out faintest of the stars and if they are ordered in chains - that starts to look like strand of light.

You might be slightly over sampling as well.

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Thanks @alacant: Really appreciate your feedback..Im not very technical so I dont think I can comfortably make many of those changes :) but I do dither and I will try skipping Darks!

@vlaiv, Thanks I do quite at a bit of noise reduction on Pixinsight so I could be that...but If I leave it the picture will be quite noisy... I am thinking of not running noise reduction on Pixinsight and use Denoise AI instead.? Any suggestions on what I could do instead?




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1 hour ago, Durrani84 said:

Any suggestions on what I could do instead?

Well, one of great skills of processing is to push the data only as far as it will let you.

If image is too noisy - then you probably stretched a bit too far.

There is nothing wrong with having a bit of noise in the image. Also - knowing how much noise can be denoised without significant impact on the image quality is another skill that is worth learning.

In the end - you should do masked denoise.

Noise levels are intimately tied to signal levels in the image - you should denoise only fainter parts of the image. You do that by creating layer mask - using luminance of the image as mask itself.

Here is an example - this is lum layer of NGC7331 from couple of years ago:


That is streched as data will let me.

If I try to stretch a bit more - look what happens:


Background noise starts to pop up.

Can I deal with it? Well, I can denoise, sure, but look how softer image becomes:


Let's mask things - and apply denoising only to background:

This is my layer mask:


I'm using inverted mask here - intensity - so where it is bright - denoised version will be shown. In the end, blended it looks like this:


In the end, I just restore black point and


You can also do above mask trick with sharpening. You can really only sharpen high SNR areas - and if you sharpen the background - noise pops up. Do inverse masking this time - so that background is from smooth image and detail is from sharpened image.


There you go - stars and detail pop up a bit and noise and background is held at bay.

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