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Meetups/events/observing sessions in Chesterfield, Derbyshire


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Hello all,

Due to some family related reasons I will be away from Berlin and back in Chesterfield, Derbyshire (specifically Duckmanton) for the next few weeks. As the skies are a reasonable improvement (Bortle 5 instead of ~8) and the reason for my visit is not particularly happy I will be bringing my ZS73 as a welcome distraction, and I wondered if there are any clubs, events or meetups in the area - or indeed if anyone local has regular observing sessions that I might come along to. 

I will have various sporadic family commitments on and off and would likely need to use public transport but if anyone knows of anything, I would be grateful for any info!


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2 hours ago, badhex said:

Hello all,

Due to some family related reasons I will be away from Berlin and back in Chesterfield, Derbyshire (specifically Duckmanton) for the next few weeks. As the skies are a reasonable improvement (Bortle 5 instead of ~8) and the reason for my visit is not particularly happy I will be bringing my ZS73 as a welcome distraction, and I wondered if there are any clubs, events or meetups in the area - or indeed if anyone local has regular observing sessions that I might come along to. 

I will have various sporadic family commitments on and off and would likely need to use public transport but if anyone knows of anything, I would be grateful for any info!


This open evening seems to be a weekly event at the Chesterfield Barnett Observatory - Barnett Observatory

You might want to check the events map on the go stargazing website to see if there is anything else relatively easy for you to access Go Stargazing Events Map

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Thanks @Shimrod I was not aware of the Gostargazing site.

Funnily enough the first telescope I ever looked through when I was very young was given to my Grandad by Chesterfield Observatory - and my grandad passed it to me about ten years ago 🙂 

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