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How to fit EAF on my Maksutov 180.

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I've only every used my Mak 180 for observing. And I'm actualy quite pleased with it. I've done a few test runs for imaging, but I've found focusing to be very difficult.

I already own a ZWO EAF which I use for my Skywatcher Evostar 80, and also very pleased with that. So, how to get those two to work together?

I can't seem to find anything that is specifically designed for my Mak, but I found these brackets at FLO that were designed for Celestron C8/9 SCT's. They look like they're what I need, but I'm obviously worried about too much DIY to make it fit. 

I then found this video on youtube (Astrogadge) where the guy uses a Crayford focuser. But without the EAF. It made me wonder if I could get a Crayford focuser where my current brackets would fit on, and so circumvent the DIY on the Celestron brackets. Obviously, it would mean additional cost of the Crayford focuser. But according to Astrogadge, it's almost a must anyways.

Any ideas or perhaps 'hands on experience' with this issue?




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You can definitely use a Crayford or rack-and-pinion focuser in the back of your Mak 180 (I do).

And you can add a motorized focus, too, if you are so inclined.

The Mak 180 has an SCT-compatible visual back, so you can add accessories, extension tubes etc.



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