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Upgrade question

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Greetings everyone

I've had an interest is astronomy if sometime. I have a Celestron Travelscope 70 with various Revelation eyepiece's. For a short time I also had a Celestron 130 reflector but didn't really get on with it as I found it too bulky and awkward to keep setting up.

I've been thinking of getting a 90 Mak but not sure if the views would be much better than the Travelscope as it's only slightly bigger. 

My main interest is in planets and celestial bodies rather than wide views.

I would value people opinions of this possible upgrade.

Thank you in advance






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I think I'd lean towards a 90mm Mak as a lunar and planetary scope. The 90mm Maksutov's I've looked through were all really quite impressive, and although I'm a real refractor nut, I very much doubt your 70mm travelscope could compete. Of course a telescope is only ever as good as its weakest link, so I'd suggest you also acquire a good quality diagonal and eyepieces. You won't need expensive wide angle eyepieces with a Maksutov, as good quality plossl's or orthoscopic's will give superb views.

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I was never really taken with my little 90 Skymax. OK for lunar and planetary, but next to my 8" dob, the resolution was poor. It was light and quick to cool down though, so great when I was rushing about trying to observe the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn last year.

But the  stellar views were dark and lacked the tight views of a refractor. Splitting doubles with it was more a chore than a pleasure (for me).

If you wanted a terrestrial option, I think it would be good, though.


Also - having recently observed with the slightly bigger 102, I'd say the extra 12mm of diameter makes a considerable improvement!

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I would recommend a bigger Mak. A 90 Mak is *tiny*. It’s both a good thing and a bad thing; you will understand when you see one in person. Get the 127mm Mak if you can handle it. Upgrade the mount too; the travel scope comes with a photo tripod I believe, which doesn’t work well for a larger scope.

Maks will always be slower than comparable aperture refractors but they are excellent for planetary views and smaller DSOs. If you are looking for a scope for big DSOs, you want a Dobsonian. Skywatcher’s flex tube dobs are fairly portable and you might want to look into that.

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Like earlier posts, I would say go for a bit bigger than 90mm.
A 127 doesn't break the bank, or need assistance to lift, and will give more light gather.
Having owned and used both larger and smaller Maks, I think 127 unless you have good reason to go for 102.
There have been a couple of 127 Maks in the sale section recently.

Good luck with the search, David.

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I've had a Skymax 127 for six months, on a SynScan AZ GOTO mount. I'm still getting to grips with it but I think it's great for the Moon and Planets, less so for DSOs (so far). It's small and compact (on this mount) and easy to setup and align. The mount quickly finds things for me although for the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn that's not necessary.

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