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A few M's and an IC - from a beginner

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Some very good images on this forum from beginners. I have some way to go.

These were taken over the past few nights between 4am and 6am over a streetlight. All are around 50x10 second exposures on an AZ-GTI mount, Bresser 102xs/460 and ZWO 485MC. Stacked in ASILIVE on a mac. Sloppy stars and mostly unnatural colour - i'll figure it out. Used Siril and Photoshop to try and get something resembling what is actually up there.

M45, M31, M42 and IC4576 Graff's Cluster

Any tips appreciated - and if not aghast happy to attach the .fits files if it helps.





Edited by Dean Hale
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4 minutes ago, PeterCPC said:

You are on the slippery AP slope now. How are you getting focus?

I manually turn the focuser knob and judge it by eye which clearly is not working.

I guess i should try a bahtinov mask or something. Slippery slope indeed. I'm glad i got something to show for not too much expense - hoping i can push it a little more. I'm realistic and know at some point - probably as soon as next week i'll have to start and upgrade.  

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