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Wizard, Dreyers object


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@Kon was asking about the Wizard nebula so tonight under 21.7, good trans skies I took another look. It filled the FOV, + a bit using the 24"/APM 20mm with about a .8deg TFOV. There is a really large V notch extending into the Flaming Star like object. The top brighter section - large- responded to the OIII better than the curved lower section.The lower section shows more extensive with the UHC but is still visible with the OIII.The notch extends in between the rounded corner squarish top section and the lower curved section.

The associated stars in the Wizard make for a dazzling object and parts of it are visible no filter.

A first for me tonight was NGC 7538- the Northern Lagoon neb also called Dreyers object. It is "small" ( large for a small object) and bright in this scope with the OIII. It does show a shape - elongation and there are brighter bits to it. I could make it out very faintly without the filter, once found with.

The Bubble neb showed part of its circle with a portion of it "bright" and the nearby Lobster Claw was bright along with LBN 544 next to the Claw.

Tonight split Stephans Quintet up nicely using the excellent 8mm Delos, got all galaxies. Should have thrown in the 7mm KK ortho but hey,the view more than satisfied me.

Much, much more observed and it was a very good night 👍 with the wind down seeing the old grey haired Canuck laying in his lawnchair staring up.

Edited by jetstream
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Thank you very much for taking the time to revisit and report back on the Wizard nebula. Your visual description is great! I will definitely give a try next time it's dark.

I observed the Bubble earlier in the summer and it felt underwhelming with my 8" Dob and OIII; I could make diffuse nebulosity but I could not make the 'bubble', not even a hint.

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9 minutes ago, jetstream said:

It takes big aperture and excellent conditions to see the Bubbles "shell". Under my best conditions it is almost a complete circle with the 24" f4.1.

Good to know, it makes me feel better; looking back to my observation I spent a good amount of time trying to bring it out. Now I know what it takes, a BIG  🔭!

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46 minutes ago, RobertI said:

Lovely report - some interesting objects. Amazing what you can see with 24”……one day….one day… 🙂

Thanks, my 24" is a big scope and I got this size because a mirror came up cost effectively. A really good big dob is an 18" f4 and would be much more manageable. Mines OK because I leave it assembled in a seacan and wheel it out 8 ft then back in.

You will get one someday, Nichol makes very nice mirrors I hear from trusted sources.

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So I had a go at the Wizard tonight. I managed to get some of the nebulosity in the central part of the cluster of stars but nothing really extended beyond that. I was using my OIII and I wonder if that was my limitation to get more details out of it. It was nice trying it and worth revisiting when it is not right above me; really hard to move the Dob and observe at the same time in that position.

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