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Wonderful Jupiter


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As I write this I am leaning back in my chair taking a short break from observing Jupiter and, Saturn. Jupiter displays some wonderful detail this night with what must be a record (for me) 7 bands but, what is captivating me at this moment is what seems to be a double GRS. What seems like two red spots next to each other along the outer limb of the southern belt and two smaller spots along the limb of the northern equatorial belt. I’m pretty sure I have it correct considering the view is upside down at the eyepiece, it seems there are several equatorial “eye” like storms brewing. 

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3 hours ago, Pixies said:

Have a look at this video made by @lukebl:

There's a very dark area preceding the GRS within the southern equatorial band. Could that be what you saw? You can also see a couple of dark barges on the northern one, too.

Thank you! This is exactly what I saw, what seems like a double GRS and, those two other spots on the other belt, all were very interesting and clearly discernible.


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