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210917 Jupiter with Io and Ganymede Detail


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Io, Ganymede, and Jupiter on 210917 at 0142Z. This is my best Jupiter so far and I might have captured some moon details.  28,000 frames at 8.05ms and 364 gain in 4 minutes. 3,000 stacked. Above average seeing and average transparency. Celestron Nexstar Evolution 9.25, Celestron 2x Barlow, ZWO ASI385 camera, ZWO ADC, CPWI for telescope control, and SharpCap for image capture. Image processed in PIPP (for cropping and HQ Linear Debayering), WinJupos, AutoStakkert, RegiStax, and Photoshop. I use Celestron StarSense for initial alignment (really works well for me) and the Celestron Electronic Focus Motor (eliminates scope shake when focusing.) All of this is attached to an old Dell laptop. The laptop also allows me to run the scope over WiFi from my home office.


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