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NGC 6888 (again!) this time w 102mm Apo


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Having experimented with the Evo50 on this target, I thought I would point the 4" apo at it once I'd got the autofocuser working again.

This too is v much a w-i-p.  I definitely want to get more data on it b/c I can start to see some of the more finer features coming through, so can understand now why people sink hours on this target (look at this amazing shot for example😲!).

All criticisms & suggestions for improvement v welcome.

It's 286 lights of 60s each (4h46 data).  Astronomik uhc & clsccd filters double-stacked.  ASI294MCPro.  Guided.  HEQ5 Pro mount.  Calibrated w darks, flats & dark flats (as well as a bad pixel map if I remember correctly) - APP.  And then PI.



[EDIT: added close crop]


NGC6888_TV102rf_uhc_clsccd_ASI294MCP_session_1_session_2_session_3_session_4_DBE_clone1_close crop.png

Edited by vineyard
added close crop
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