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80 FPL-53 vs. 102 FPL-51?


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Hello . 

For strictly visual observations ...
What type of refractor would work better ... an 80ED with an FPL-53 and F / 7.5 lens .... or a 100ED with a FPL-51 and F / 7 lens .. ??
Has anyone been lucky enough to test and / or compare them?
Thanks in advance
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26 minutes ago, tico said:
Hello . 

For strictly visual observations ...
What type of refractor would work better ... an 80ED with an FPL-53 and F / 7.5 lens .... or a 100ED with a FPL-51 and F / 7 lens .. ??
Has anyone been lucky enough to test and / or compare them?
Thanks in advance

The 100 without question. Aperture rules and you will not notice the additional CA. I assume they are both doublets. 

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Only at high powers on the planets will you notice a purple fringe around an object based my experience with a 72mm f/6 FPL-51 doublet.  The rest of time, the additional aperture of the 100 will easily rule the day.

I will say the fringing was annoying enough that I popped for a used 90mm f/7 FPL-53 triplet which has little to no discernible color at high powers on planets or the moon.  However, my 8" Dob blows it away when it comes to planetary detail.  Aperture rules.

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