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samyang 14mm v samyang 12mm for dslr


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Hi Ian.

There are two Samyang lenses that will fitĀ Nikons in the 14mm size but no 12mm lenses that I'm aware of. There is a 10mm to fit Nikon.

The 14mm f2.8 is a fairly good lens overall if you get a good one. Plenty of nice Astrolandscapes taken with it. The 14 f2.4 is reputedly a step up but I've not seen many images but those I have seen look very good.

The 12mm doesn't fit Nikon F or Canon EOSĀ I don't think ( If someone knows better I hope they say ) but the 10mm and 16mm areĀ touted as a good lensesĀ but I've no idea if that's true I'm afraid.

The Samyang 24mm gets high praise but that's nowhere near as wide and once again I've not seen that many images taken with it.Ā 

The lenses that fit Nikon F areĀ the same as Canon EOS so you can hope a Canon owner who has one can let you know,


PS. You didn't say which Nikon.Ā 

Edited by davew
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9 hours ago, davew said:

The 12mm doesn't fit Nikon F or Canon EOSĀ I don't think ( If someone knows better I hope they say ) but the 10mm and 16mm areĀ touted as a good lensesĀ but I've no idea if that's true I'm afraid.


FWIW, I took this one with my new Samyang 16mm on Saturday (I'll post more soon). A single shot, 13 seconds, f/2 ISO 1600 on a Canon 77D. Quite happy with it so far, but still testing.


Edited by Felias
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13 minutes ago, iwols said:

thanks felias thats a lovely shot ide be more than happy with that whats the maximum exposure without guiding with these lens cheers

At f/2 I thought that 13 seconds pointing towards the South was the most I would consider. I allowed 15 seconds when pointing towards the North. If you are not too picky with star trails, I guess you could push it a few more seconds. Here's the full-size unprocessed image (converted to JPEG in IrfanView) if you want to inspect it:


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