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Hi there

Every year we have a Canal Day in Banbury. Where there are lots of waterway related events - as well as other things of interest!

Last year we tried a bit of solar Sidewalk Astronomy - unfortunately we got rained off.

This year we are going to have another go. Is any one interested in coming along?

I was thinking of making it quite informal - just getting a few interested people together on the day - if you have a scope then perhaps you could bring it along and show people.

I have a Ha pst and and 6" Celestron sct with a solar filter and a laptop which could be used.

I would be interested if anyone has any ideas.

That date is normally the first week in October but i will confirm this.

Cheers Matt

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  • 2 weeks later...

Possibly if I am not doing first aid cover there. You might want to try and get it touch with Chipping Norton A/S as they would probably help out and it is nearer than SOuth Oxfordshire :-)


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It sounds ineresting. M husband is a canalman (worked for British Waterways for many years) and I'm the astro bod.

I might even be able to visit family in the area.

Can you give any more info now or send me some later.


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