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Total Newbie Needing Telescope mount

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Hi there, hoping someone might be able to offer me some advice.  I'd like to do some astrophotography.  I've managed to get my hands on a Celestron C8-N - that from what I've read should be up to the job.  I have an old EQ mount that i inherited.  With a couple of additional dumbbell weights on it, it'll balance - however, I'm guessing a mount that tracks would be advisable.  I'm trying to get started on as small a budget as I can.  It does look on the unbranded mount, as though there is a spot to mount a motor to control right asc, however, I wouldn't know where to start to look for one, nor what spec I would need.  As I say, the mount is unbranded.  Are these things generic enough to buy based on a standardised size, or do I need to dig deep in my pockets and buy a purpose made tracker mount?  If the latter were the case, could you recommend a good starting point / budget?


Any advice gratefully received.

Many thanks,

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I rcommend you buy and read "Making Every Photon Count" the definitive guide to deep space imaging, available from forum sponsor FLO. If you want to do deep space imaging with your C8-N (probably not the best telescope to start with) you really need a HEQ5 or EQ-6 GoTo mount.

The C8-N and your existing mount (+RA motor) may suffice fpr planetary imaging.

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On 18/08/2021 at 19:39, sethhelstrip said:

It does look on the unbranded mount, as though there is a spot to mount a motor to control right asc, however, I wouldn't know where to start to look for one, nor what spec I would need.  As I say, the mount is unbranded. 

Could you post a picture of your mount? That would help us give more relevant advice.

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