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Visual observing experiences on film.


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Below is a link to a YouTube film of a visual observers experiences. I really do like the observing accounts posted here. But also like video clips.

My best view of M31 The Andromeda was with my eight inch Orion Newtonian. The sky conditions must have been super. I could see so much detail which was crystal clear. I do plan on looking through a Takahashi refractor one day.


Watch "Daniel Mounsey shares his experience of astronomy." on YouTube

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1 hour ago, Grumpy Martian said:

Below is a link to a YouTube film of a visual observers experiences. I really do like the observing accounts posted here. But also like video clips.

My best view of M31 The Andromeda was with my eight inch Orion Newtonian. The sky conditions must have been super. I could see so much detail which was crystal clear. I do plan on looking through a Takahashi refractor one day.


Watch "Daniel Mounsey shares his experience of astronomy." on YouTube

Great video, really interesting to hear someone just talking about their observing experiences. :)

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I enjoy listening to Daniel. His enthusiasm is infectious :icon_biggrin:

I suppose that I try and capture a little of that when I post my observing reports on here. I usually do them immediately after coming in from observing or even during a session sometimes, while the experience is still very fresh. They are probably a bit "gushy" at times because of that but that's often how I'm feeling when I'm typing them in !


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11 hours ago, John said:

I enjoy listening to Daniel. His enthusiasm is infectious :icon_biggrin:

I suppose that I try and capture a little of that when I post my observing reports on here. I usually do them immediately after coming in from observing or even during a session sometimes, while the experience is still very fresh. They are probably a bit "gushy" at times because of that but that's often how I'm feeling when I'm typing them in !


Same here. I'd much rather write up a report before I hit the sack, although sometimes it's just too late.

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  • 1 year later...

I just stumbled across this video on YouTube and was about to post it on SGL but did a search first to make sure it was not already shared.

Really enjoyable video. As someone who loves just to talk observing and equipment (bit of a telescope geek), this was a great watch. My poor wife can certainly attest to this. Prior to saying “I do” she witnessed more than once me popping into the local astronomy store just to pick up something only to end up standing there for an hour while I chatted away with staff about scopes. And she still said yes!😉

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