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Buying New Scope

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Hi I've always been interest in looking a the night sky and seeing the star.  Now I am considering purchasing a scope so I can have a closer look.  I want to mainly look at Nebulae and planets.  Would  a Sky-Watcher Heritage 150P or Sky-Watcher 8" 200P Classic be my best choice or some other scope? Also would I need to add more eye pieces  or a barlow?

Edited by HaiXing
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Either one would work for your preferences.  The SW 8" 200P, though, is much bulkier to move around and store.  It does come with a 2" focuser which will allow for nice, wide field views.  Overall, the 200P will outperform the 150P, but it really comes down to your preferences for storage and carrying it outside or transporting it to your observing site.

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There are lots of threads on which scope to buy- its a lot down to your situation and what you want to do in Astro- have a read through them on this site.

the standard EP's that come with the SW Scopes are usually 10mm & 25mm- they are ok to start with but would always advise to expand your collection when able.

I generally rely on the following   25mm for general viewing and finding your target, 10mm & 5mm for close up- the 5mm won't get heaps of use as the seeing needs to be good. a Barlow again boosts magnification but needs good seeing- Zoom EP's  are also worth considering along with a Telrad or Rigel Quickfinder

You will need some sort of star chart to find your way about the heavens and a good book like  "Turn left at orion"- 

Before you jump in and buy hordes , spend time reading the many threads on here-and keep asking questions- this will ensure you spend your money wisely and will pay dividends in the long run.

As always if you havnt already , read this in the "getting Started with Observing" section

Hope this helps - let us know how you go or keep asking questions



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I would also add that the Heritage is a "table top" Dobsonian, if you have somewhere it can sit to bring it up to you (or are happy on the ground) then no worries but its one of the reasons I am looking at the 200P instead (though I am sure there are other solutions!). It is also worth noting the additional size / weight of the full 200P though (you can see it in some youtube videos) if you need to shift positions in your viewing site often. 

Edited by wibblefish
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