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Using TS-Photon 6" f5 for astrophotography


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Hi, I'm starting to get into astrophotography and I wanted to get a new telescope. So far, I've been using a relatives Maksutov-Cassegrain 130/1500 but since I'm in the UK, clear nights are few and far between so I want a faster scope to take advantage of the clear nights better. I'm still fairly new so I don't want to spend too much on the telescope. I've got a Nikon D5100 camera and EQ5 mount that I plan to use with the new scope. I've had my eye on this one: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/telescopes-in-stock/ts-photon-6-f5-advanced-newtonian-telescope-with-metal-tube.html but I've never used a reflector before. Will this coma corrector work with it? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/coma-correctors/baader-mark-iii-mpcc-coma-corrector-photographic.html Will I be able to reach focus with this and the camera or will I need any add ons (I don't plan on using this for visual)? And what tools are recommended for collimating the scope later on?

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That should work. You need 55 mm distance from the back of the coma corrector to the camera sensor. Most dslr cameras have a flange (front) to sensor distance of abt 45 mm. The camera T-adapter adds another 10 mm, so you should be ok.

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8 hours ago, PaddymarkeJunior said:

Will this coma corrector work with it?


Yes, but this one just works, produces small stars and will correct all the field of your 5100.

8 hours ago, PaddymarkeJunior said:

tools are recommended for collimating

One of these. And one of these as below. Bottom cut and a 2mm hole in the centre of the cap. A place which develops old type film cassettes will give you several. 

Most important of all, before you adjust anything, be sure to cut through all the Internet mis-information by reading Seronik and Telia. 5 minutes of your time which will save you countless hours in future when collimating.

Cheers and HTH


Edited by alacant
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