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Help with stacking Jupiter/Saturn images

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First time using Autostakket and Im a little confused!  I load my image in, click analyse, get it to create alignment points but when I want to save, I want to stack the best 50% (Whats a reasonable % to stack?  This is 2000 frames source file) - what are the 4 options for?

Also, any tips on using wavelets in Registax?  Never really done any planet imaging for years!  I knocked up an IR filter with some film somebody gave me years ago and had a we go last night with my 8" SCT and ASI120mini






Jupiter2.tif Saturn.tif

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AS!3 lets you create multiple stack in single go (different percentage of frames stacked)

If you put in some value in respective box - that stack will be created and if you leave 0 - it will not be created.

You can thus create 10 and 20 percent stacks by specifying either 10, 20, 0, 0 or 20, 10, 0, 0 (not sure if other combinations work as well - I ever used only ones where unused slots were to the right. I did however use all 4 at the same time - and it works - it creates multiple stacks).


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