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extended backorders

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Heard  alot about  this and now I'm experiencing  it. Ordered  a Heritage 150 p April  25- called last  month-  expected late  July     called again today,  now expected late  August   Vendor is OPT Telescopes.  Should consider  myself fortunate  I guess cause they told  me that their  classic  Dobs are  backordered  until 2022 .  Wonder  if this will ever end or have we just  reached  a "new normal" ?  Oh well, I guess when I finally do get my scope I'll appreciate  it that much more!  I intend  to bring  it to darker sky sites  so the good news is by the time  I get  it at  least astro darkness  will be substantially earlier 👍     Clear skies everyone!

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Supply chain disruption combined with a huge increase in demand from people spending more time at home and those who had more money to spend because they weren't commuting or going out was bound to have a big effect.

It will get back to normal and we might see a glut of equipment appearing on the secondhand market in the not too distant future, so there could be some real bargains to come.

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