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Az gti and asiair pro issue

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I finally had a quick try at using my AzGti and asiair pro last night, with my sw 72ed and Canon 600D, with zwo asi120mc-s for guidescope. I done the PA ok after 7mins of baffoonary. Did focus on the live screen of my dslr. A couple of questions I have is, is it OK to power the az gti through the AAP or will this cause issues, I do power the AAP with the correct zwo mains adapter. My main issue is when to do a plate solve. Do I use the  goto tab and find my target, select it then press goto and then do a plate solve after. Or do I do a platesolve straight after doing the PA. Because on the plate solve screen there is a GoTo and sync button to press and when I did this the mount slewed to and completey different area and this was after the mount was used in the goto tab. Sorry if this is a bit garbled. What are others users of my setup using for a workflow. I connect to my AAP with an eqmod connection with my a lynx astro eqdir cable and connect my tablet to my AAP wirelessly. Thank you for your help in my baffoonary 


Edited by AstroNebulee
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This is what I do:

After PA, make sure the mount knows where home position is.

Go into mount screen and 'goto home'.

If it is now in home position (i.e. pointing at polaris) all good. If not, release clutches and set it so it is.

Now use the arrow to move the mount a bit - ideally in direction of your target and same meridian - since it won't plate solve within 5 degrees of polaris.

Once plate solved you get a thing coming up, and press SYNC.

now it's all syned. You can now select your target and goto and it will do its thing.

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Thank you powerlord, that's so much easier to understand. I have read a lot on you can leave it in the 60° position when it's finishes PA. But your way seems like good practice, similar to when you normally PA say in sharpcap and such. So I can send the mount to any area of sky in the direction of my target and just plate solve any area of sky. The second time I tried alignment I set the focal length of my scope to 0 in the app as I use a FF, think it came around the 430mm mark. Next time it's a clear night I'll try your workflow. I had an unforecast mist descend last night so that put paid to any more work and didn't get to guiding and dithering sadly. Also do you power your az gti from the AAP? Thank you again. 

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yup powered from aap sometimes, direct other times. depends how many other things I've got plugged in. I try to use AAP power outputs for lower current stuff with exception of my 12v dew heater on the C8 if I'm using it (not with the azgti!) as aap lets me control voltage output on that which is cool.  So stuff like my EQ5, EQ6, asi1600 I power direct, but other stuff like my wifi AP, az gti i put through the AAP if I've ran out of 12v outputs (my DIY power unit has 4 12v outputs, so with AAP using one, that gives me 3 spare there, plus 4 on the AAP).

My DIY power unit also  has 2 x 8.4v outputs for DSLRs, and 2 x 5v USB outputs - so DSLRs and their 5v dew heaters get powered from that.


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10 hours ago, powerlord said:

yup powered from aap sometimes, direct other times. depends how many other things I've got plugged in. I try to use AAP power outputs for lower current stuff with exception of my 12v dew heater on the C8 if I'm using it (not with the azgti!) as aap lets me control voltage output on that which is cool.  So stuff like my EQ5, EQ6, asi1600 I power direct, but other stuff like my wifi AP, az gti i put through the AAP if I've ran out of 12v outputs (my DIY power unit has 4 12v outputs, so with AAP using one, that gives me 3 spare there, plus 4 on the AAP).

My DIY power unit also  has 2 x 8.4v outputs for DSLRs, and 2 x 5v USB outputs - so DSLRs and their 5v dew heaters get powered from that.


Thank you Stu. The only thing that I power from the AAP is my az gti. I connect my dslr and USB stick to the USB 3 ports and my guidecam and lynx astro eqdir cable to the USB 2 ports. My 2 dew heater bands are powered from a talentcell 3000mah battery pack. Thank you for all your help just need clear skies now. 

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On 27/07/2021 at 06:52, AstroNebulee said:

 My 2 dew heater bands are powered from a talentcell 3000mah battery pack. Thank you for all your help just need clear skies now. 

Hi, which dew heater bands do you run from the battery pack and are they usb?  Looking at something for 6" sct and to run from a 10000mah pack but wondered if the power would be good enough at only 5V. 

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2 hours ago, Starslayer said:

Hi, which dew heater bands do you run from the battery pack and are they usb?  Looking at something for 6" sct and to run from a 10000mah pack but wondered if the power would be good enough at only 5V. 

I use 2 of these on my setup one for scope and one for guidescope , they are usb and 5v not sure whether they'd fit around your scope though. 



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