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Sketching harvest from Bulgaria - July 2021


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Finally found some time to process the sketches made on my vacation to the dark countryside of Bulgaria. 

Hope you enjoy the views!



This PN looks like an exclamation mark, high magnification shows a dark indentation. Peculiar view!


Donut shaped PN with a brighter edge on the North side.


Quite spectacular PN, consisting of 2 arches. The PN appears like a little ghost. The South arch has 2 small extensions.


Definately an eyecatcher, this one! Its core appears triangular and shows 2 rows of stars, with a dark patch between them, just above the bright core.


Lovely compact GC:


A quite large, and slightly elongated GC, perched against a row of stars:


Lovely concentrated GC:



Lovely GC with dark areas in the disk. A smudge to the South edge appears to be a string of stars on short exposure photos



Not much to say, Very distinct and bright. 


This was a nice one, the PN is clearly elongated at lower magnifications but shows lots of detail when using great power. 



This peculiar PN has a clear central star with a dark ring around it, followed by a mottled nebula, with slightly jagged edges.


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Some lovely sketches there. I must ask about M14, this is one that I always feel resolves into stars at a decent magnification but you don't draw it as such. You had some decent clear nights too. What you didn't get is a clear night after rain, that is when we get best conditions and I feel you would have improved on what you had, on these nights you can see m33 fairly easily if it is high up.

On the mirror dust, this tends to happen in the house too, the dust sticks.


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I only draw in the stars I can actually see directly. I remember it being mottled and filled with little specs of stars, but drawing those in would do no justice so I only draw the glow. 

I'll need more practice, as I feel that more stars are being resolved now. 

Indeed, I only had one excellent night of seeing and transparency, but I chose to do high magnification sketches on planetary nebulae as that is what makes all the difference there.

I missed out on M33 - I feel like I should have tried, but I did spot M31 naked eye and had a look at that. There were just too much goodies in the South to look straight up :p 

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