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Dst time issue on asiair pro and AzGti

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I'm just checking with other users of an asiair pro the time and dst settings, I'm just testing out my set up indoors yo save time fiddling when outside at night. 

My tablet is saying one time and the asiair app is saying a 1 hour earlier time is this normal and is there a way of changing it to GMT and not UTC. Sorry if this seems a idiotic question. Will the mount slew to an area where the object should be but an hour earlier? 

I'm connected to my az gti mount eq mode with a lynx astro cable and ffo I select skywatcher AzGti /synscan WiFi or EQ mod mount as both will work fine and connect? 




Edited by AstroNebulee
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I can see why you pause for thought on this. But considering UTC time entry is shown on the mount and is correct, and your tablet shows the BST time (UTC +1hr) that matches that it should be fine. 

Without a handset your AZ-Gti gets the location, time, date etc from the phone/tablet and set's the UTC on the mount for you. There is no stage here that you need to enter if you are DST or not.

However, connecting a handset is likely to ask you based on the month (as per handbook) so I don't know what you should respond given the above text from the AAP.


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Thank you Stevie for confirming the times should be OK and both are correct, just got me puzzled a hit when I saw it as no way of changing the time.

Regarding the connection of az gti and eq dir cable I found this article after much researching and ok to connect to eqmid mount with my eqdir lynx astro cable and leaving it set to 9600 baud rate. 


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24 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

Thank you Stevie for confirming the times should be OK and both are correct, just got me puzzled a hit when I saw it as no way of changing the time.

Regarding the connection of az gti and eq dir cable I found this article after much researching and ok to connect to eqmid mount with my eqdir lynx astro cable and leaving it set to 9600 baud rate. 

How_to_use_ASIAIR_with_Sky-Watcher_AZ-GTI_Mount.pdf 228.7 kB · 0 downloads

Yes I looked in the AZ-GTi manual, and the PDF you referred to as well, and did not find a mention of entering the DST setting - that's only appearing in the generic handset instructions. I expect the apps are expected to handover the information and the AZ-Gti sets it in UTC format to be safe.

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6 minutes ago, StevieDvd said:

. I expect the apps are expected to handover the information and the AZ-Gti sets it in UTC format to be safe.

Yes me thinks your right, the odd I attached was just about how to connect with eqdir cable and reference for others if they were searching for it. When I sync the AAP app to the mount its successful and given the info needed and says successful so I think the time difference won't matter. I should of looked when I used to just connect in az mode with my AzGti mount to synscan app and like to see which time values ard given but never thought about it before. Hoping moro night skies are clear as atm and will test it out 

Edited by AstroNebulee
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