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Solar Details: Sun 18th July 2021


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Set up a bit earlier than the day before, first image recorded by 7.24am (BST)

Basler '174' > Quark > TEC140 > Baader D-ERF.  AS!2 > ImPPG > Ps. Captured in Basler's Pylon on Mac.

All images, best 100 frames from 3000. Mono 12P, 110fps, Full disk images flat frame (bag) calibrated. 0.29"/Pixel. Guided by an Hinode Solar Guider.

To start (for reference), the closest (by UT/GMT time) GONG image. I often find the Australian one the best and this was their nearest recorded without cloud.




Main Spot / AR2842, 7.24 BST, 8000ms


Smaller spot / AR2845 below centre, 7.26 BST,8000ms


Last for now, the most recent spot rotating into view down on the lower left / AR2844, 7.30 BST, 8000ms

Have some more of the same to check through later. Didn't think the seeing was as good as Saturday, but these have turned out pretty OK.

From Spaceweather:


Edited by TakMan
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Nicely done. :thumbsup:

Lots of very fine details around those ARs.
Your processing is very restrained and natural.
The labelling of each image is a useful addition.

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32 minutes ago, Kitsunegari said:

Looks like your quark is performing quite well...

Yes, thankfully... hope it continues that way!
I did the 'wing' testing last year to find the best position and Alexandra/Montana was good enough to help me evaluate it. She did say she thought it a pretty good unit.

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