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North American Nebula

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ok that was terrible. used affinity from the stretched file. here is another attempt, using startools and orientated correctly.

@craney - nope. bortle 6. And of course at this time of year it's not really dark. Only got about 20 mins at 2am or so. I tried elephant trunk nebula and got nowt at all there, so at 2am moved to North American and tried, and could see a bit of red in a single sub, so gave it a go.


Edited by powerlord
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1 hour ago, powerlord said:

that was terrible

Nooo... I don't think so. All you need to do is keep taking more and more frames. If you could get say, 100, you'd find it much easier to process and see a lot more detail. 200, even better. 500... etc etc. You could also consider guiding if you're not already. That way, you could take frames of a longer duration.

Keep the camera attached to the telescope so you can spread the project over several nights 


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2 hours ago, alacant said:

Nooo... I don't think so. All you need to do is keep taking more and more frames. If you could get say, 100, you'd find it much easier to process and see a lot more detail. 200, even better. 500... etc etc. You could also consider guiding if you're not already. That way, you could take frames of a longer duration.

Keep the camera attached to the telescope so you can spread the project over several nights 


thanks - i meant my processing. Yeh, I was surprised to get that much with 20 mins. I wasted 100 mins on elephant trunk getting nowt much at all - almost no nebula at 45 seconds - clearly needs much longer, but with limited time I figured stick to 45 seconds and stack, and that way less frames ruined by satellites, etc. However after 100 mins of live stacking it was still just stars so switched targets.

Saturday night looking good, so will possibly try again, though I also want to have a go at Jupiter and that needs me to drive somewhere else.

But yeh, next time I SHOULD stick to more of the same.. and will try.. but I do fancy trying my narrowband filters just for the hell of it.

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OK, bit of a breakthrough for me last night - took 85 mins of H-alpha. That's first time I've used narrowband. And it's with a colour Canon 6D.

I could not believe the clarity and lack of noise in the resultant stack.

I merged it into the RGB data I took a few nights ago, I, for me, it's one of the best images I've managed so far I think (again - only been doing this 5 months so be kind).

I love the way the cloud really feels 3d and popping out at you now. Just wow.

Next clear night I'll try the same target with Oiii and Sii and try for a hubble pallet job.

I didn't expect to get good results with this with the Canon, and my newbie numptyness - but frankly I'm well chuffed with this - especially considering we are a week away from the shortest night and I'm still managing to grab this out the sky. I believe it calls for a G&T to celebrate!




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