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Skywatcher MN190Pro

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HI everyone, I have the above OTA and am struggling to find a suitable camera (pixel size), I am looking for a CMOS camera I already have a QHY10 which I don't really get on with (to hard to set up especially focusing) maybe its just me. I am sticking to the age old calculation - pixel size/Focal length X 206.3 which with my QHY10 gives me 1.25 great, there is only one CMOS camera which comes close it's the QHY128C with 5.96 pixels which at the cheapest is £2400.00 OMG. I don't really want to go DSLR.

If anyone knows of a camera please advise.

Many thanks for looking.

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I just googled your camera and it is capable.  Binning 2x2 for example combines 4 pixels to 1.  I think it should help you at least with the small pixel issue.  

Edited by Robindonne
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What would be your target sampling rate?

I'd recommend that you aim for say 1.4"/px.

That would mean you need 6.8µm pixel size, or alternatively - 3.4µm pixel size and bin x2.

Binning is really simple procedure - you can do it on camera (and end up with smaller files and faster download) - or you can do it afterwards in software. Again - very simple procedure - just a single command in suitable software.

There are a few camera models that have around 3.4µm pixel size - like QHY 550 with 3.45µm or Altair Hypercam 269C if you want color version.

Do keep in mind that OSC sensors already sample at half "nominal" sampling rate suggested by pixel size. You just need to use super pixel mode instead of interpolation debayering.

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I have an ASI294 (mono) with my MN190. This gives a pixel scale of 0.95”/pixel. The scope and camera are a very good match, imo. The sensor size is just large enough to have tight stars while avoiding degradation in the corners. Have a look at images I’ve posted in the imaging section and my astrobin page. The link is in my signature.

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