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ASIair Pro and SXD2...help!

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My father once "congratulated" me on becoming the first person in the family to be offered a place at a Polytechnic; that's how bright I am. 

I am looking forward to receiving my ASIair Pro/guide scope/guide camera bundle tomorrow. I want to use this to add autoguiding to my SXD2 mount without the need for a laptop; I'm fine having my iPad or phone outside with me though. 

I know for the polar alignment I'll have to set the guidescope to the main camera as, for now, I'll be sticking with my unsupported Fuji XT3 for the actual photography but will I "simply" need to connect the ASIair Pro to my Starbook Ten handset with an ethernet cable in order for the magic to happen or...I haven't really got a clue!

Any help gratefully received. 



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I don't have either but I'd expect you to connect your mount via USB directly to the ASIair and you wouldn't need the handset. I am of course assuming the mount has a USB port....


Just had a quick scan of the SXD2 on FLO and now I am not sure as I only see ports on the controller.

Edited by scotty38
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No USB ports so I'm thinking it goes into the ST-4 socket on the handset (which also has a LAN port). I'm in no way wanting to remove the handset from the setup as the Starbook Ten is just fab. If I have to, that's a different matter, but the whole aim of this is to enable me to get longer exposures than I can currently achieve...which is a pretty healthy 2 mins unguided as it is. 


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Despite the manual saying I connect the ASIair and Starbook Ten directly with a cable, ZWO themselves emailed back saying you have to connect them via a router. Hmmmm

Great support btw...a tailored reply with photos too...very impressive. 

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Using a router really, are you sure they just did not get their terminology mixed up? Like you said hmmm indeed, I'm not convinced even thought I know nowt about it 🙂 I can understand why they may suggest a switch versus a crossover cable though....

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I'm wondering if maybe introducing a router takes care of IP addresses or something like that? I've got one I can try with anyway which actually runs off 5V so I can power via the USB port on my battery. 

These are the photos they sent me for reference...as I've said, impressive tailored response!




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Ok well that's a router BUT apart from the routed port for the actual ISP Internet connection I suspect all the other ports are switch ports which is where they suggest you connect. That will also give you a DHCP address as per the diagram. Essentially it's the same as saying "Connect to your network", whether it's wireless, direct to the router (switch port) or indeed another switch daisy-chained from the router...

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Nope I'm not really saying what you should get rather than interpreting what you've been told and that's that you can connect your ASIAir and the controller to your network as normal by the looks of it.

I am aware of the ASIair being a bit low on the wireless side so have a search around as I've seen recommendations of what to get to boost the signal but cannot recall what models etc most folk have gone for.

If it was my setup I'd just have a play around and work out what needs to connect and where to make it work and then, if necessary, buy any additional bits to make it easier, more reliable, tidier or whatever but as I've never even seen any of this kit let alone played with it I'd be wary of advising you on specifics just in case you end up with a bit of kit you don't need.

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