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My reprocessed Saturn image

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I've been reprocessing my image of Saturn taken on 27-5-21 with my Skymax 127 az gti and zwo asi120mc-s, 1000 frame rgb 24 avi file, processed in pipp, as3 and registax. I'm pretty sure if you squint hard enough the cassini division is there. Would raw8 or raw26 be better and ser for planetary imaging, I've had no issues with rgb24 avi and wondered if other is better. 


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Thank you Pete, my skymax 127 has a focal length or 1500mm and the zwo asi120mc-s is equivalent to roughly a 6mm ep, no Barlow was used in the making of this image. I have managed to image Saturn again this morning and got to try my x2 Barlow with zwo asi120mc-s & Skymax 127 so will see how it goes. 

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