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Sorry, another "Which CCD" post... Atik 450M or Atik 314L+ Mono


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I've been on the lookout for an Atik 314L+ and I've been offered one at a good price but I've been thrown a curveball. I've also been offered an Atik 450M, which is a bit more but still a good price. Thanks to both sellers, if they're reading this.

My scopes are Orion ED80 (used most often) and Meade LX90 8" (used @f/6.3 when imaging).  The Astronomy Tools CCD Suitability Calculator puts the 314L+ (6.45µm pixels) as slightly under sampled on the ED80 but right on target on the LX90 (both binned 1x1).  The 450M (3.45µm pixels) places the ED80 right on target and on the LX90, with 2x2 binning, that's also in the right place. 

According to the maths the 450M would be most appropriate but I'm wondering about the loss in sensitivity with much smaller pixels (although binning can address that).  Also, I can't really find much online about this camera and that particular sensor doesn't seem to be used in other CCD cameras, so it's a bit of a mystery.  The Atik 314L+ has loads of great images attributed to it and also can double up as a guide camera if/when I upgrade.

It's worth mentioning that both sensors are 2/3" format.

I'm really struggling to choose. Does anyone have experience with both of these cameras?




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A quick search says that they're both now discontinued... I was told that the HA response is far better in the 4 series than the 3.. I used to have a 16hr( same sensor as the 314) and that really impressed me that much that I've now got a 460m..and that has impressed me so much as I now think I'm going to get another one.. I use it on my esprit 80 and I'm now using it with my sct so my image scale is 2.2( I think?) And .72 with the sct..so far I've  not used binning for the sct images.. 

Superb camera's which ever you choose to go with

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I can't comment on the 450M but I have a 314L+.

It's been my staple narrowband camera for the past couple of years and is very sensitive and low noise at a usual -10 degrees, and very easy to use to the extent that I apply a standard -10 degree master bias frame in place of darks, and hardly ever use flats. This combined with small image files makes processing very fast and predictable (I use APP and StarTools).

The only slight negative is the field of view is quite narrow so I've bought a larger sensor CMOS camera as well.

I'm sure whichever you choose you will be very pleased with it.

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