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I had a good session with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 from 8.45 to 10.10 pm.  The terminator showed fine detail, particularly S of Walther to the S cusp.  Ptolemaeus, with the shadows cast across its surface like church spires was fabulous.  Walter further S was particularly well placed as were  Rima Hyginus and Rima Ariadaeus further away from the terminator.

Pic below is a single frame with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, taken at 9.05pm, 1/100 sec at 200 asa. Also two crops from the same frame, one showing the terminator S of Walther, and the other a tight crop of Ptolemaeus rather lightened to show the shadows better.  Needless to say, the view using the binoviewer was far better than my pics show!




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Beautiful pic's Paul. I thought I'd play at snapping a few pic's myself, but I was using a pretty poor hand held mobile phone camera, so the results not really Olympus standards. And as always, the visual appearance was far more detailed. For example, the Trisnecker cleft system waslittered with fine clefts and the southern edge of Mare Frigoris showed amazing detail, including rilles running along the shore line. None visible in the image but breathtakingly sharp through the eyepiece.


Edited by mikeDnight
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1 hour ago, paulastro said:

I had a good session with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 from 8.45 to 10.10 pm.  The terminator showed fine detail, particularly S of Walther to the S cusp.  Ptolemaeus, with the shadows cast across its surface like church spires was fabulous.  Walter further S was particularly well placed as were  Rima Hyginus and Rima Ariadaeus further away from the terminator.

Pic below is a single frame with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11, taken at 9.05pm, 1/100 sec at 200 asa. Also two crops from the same frame, one showing the terminator S of Walther, and the other a tight crop of Ptolemaeus rather lightened to show the shadows better.  Needless to say, the view using the binoviewer was far better than my pics show!




Hello Paul. Your third picture is great and your description of the shadow on Ptolemaeus as like church spires is very apt. 
Are the shots with a DSLR and power mate maybe. Does a power mate increase the size as seen thru the camera dramatically?? 

Thx. John 

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4 hours ago, Telescope40 said:

Hello Paul. Your third picture is great and your description of the shadow on Ptolemaeus as like church spires is very apt. 
Are the shots with a DSLR and power mate maybe. Does a power mate increase the size as seen thru the camera dramatically?? 


Thanks John.

My Olympus E-M5 Mk11 is a mirrorless camera with a macro 4/3 sensor.

The telescope has a focal length of 714 mm. I took the pic as I always do at prime focus, with the camera attached directly to it.  Just the same as using a lens.  There is nothing else used, no power mate or barlow.  Just the camera body.

Because of the size of the sensor, it effectively doubles the focal length, so it becomes  the equivalent of 1428 mm.  This gives an equivalent magnification of 1428 divided by 50 which is x28.56.

The pic of the complete moon has been cropped from the original frame, and the third pic of Ptolemaeus has then been substantially cropped again from the original crop.

I think it says a lot for the quality of the comparatively small sensor, that it gives the quality it does when it has been cropped so much.  Also considering as well that the pic is one single frame.  Though of course it is low resolution when compared with what could be achieved with the astro video cameras which facilitate the combination of multiple frames selected and stacked together



Edited by paulastro
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