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IKO - LBN487 Iris Nebula LRGB Data Release - April 2021


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Our latest released of data from the Ikarus Observatory project 🙂

The small print:

  • We will be releasing all public data from the Ikarus Observatory project under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence. What this means is you are free to share, copy and redistribute the data as you see fit and adapt, remix, transform and build upon it but you must attribute 'Ikarus Observatory' as the source of the original data and must not use it for commercial purposes - i.e. no sticking images on the side of mugs and selling then :D

Beyond that, enjoy and have fun!

You can find out more about the IKO project here including details of the equipment used, observatory site etc.. This image was processed in the Pixinsight Weighted Batch Pre-Processor and comprises:

  • Luminance 360x 5 mins
  • Red 120x 5 mins
  • Green 120x 5 mins
  • Blue 120x 5 mins
  • Bias 101x
  • Flats 21x for each filter
  • Darks 21x 5 mins

These have been stacked and calibrated in Pixinsight. The raw XISF, FITS or TIF files can be downloaded here.

Details of the processing competition are here.


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  • Grant changed the title to IKO - LBN487 Iris Nebula LRGB Data Release - April 2021
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't use Astroart but the 4 fits all were ok for me in StarTools.

This has been lovely data to process, but also see all the other processes. I think it could read up on this nebula to better understand what the central emissions are for colouring. 

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