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Which bit of the moon is this?


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Hi all,

I took this shot a while back and now I'd quite like to know which bit of the moon I got!

I'm no lunar expert. I've tried matching it to moon maps without success, and using software called LVT which I can't get to work.

The problem is that I also don't even know which way up it should go - in space, there is no 'up' or 'down'!

So, I know this is a pretty lame question, but can anyone help identify it please?


Thanks, Brendan


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HI @BrendanC I think the Clavius info above will help you find the part of the moon you're in, but if not, it's the south.  Here's a snippet of an image I took recently with a very rough drawing of your capture area.  Yours is much more interesting with its shadow - the one below was near full moon but hopefully you can still match up the craters.  The crescent of craters on Clavius's floor is a good guide to start.



Edited by geeklee
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4 hours ago, BrendanC said:

Hi all,

I took this shot a while back and now I'd quite like to know which bit of the moon I got!

I'm no lunar expert. I've tried matching it to moon maps without success, and using software called LVT which I can't get to work.

The problem is that I also don't even know which way up it should go - in space, there is no 'up' or 'down'!

So, I know this is a pretty lame question, but can anyone help identify it please?


Thanks, Brendan


I think this seems just about the right phase, from the NASA lunar site. Clavius is a favourite of mine.



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