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Last night Galaxy observing with Celestron travel scope 70

Yellow dwarf

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I decided last night to do some Galaxy observing with my Celestron travel scope 70 (I have ordered an 8 inch dobsonian, but shipping times from China are huge🙁). I looked for the Leo Triplet, and managed to find them using averted vision. M66 was the most clear, followed by NCG3628. M65 was harder to see, even with averted vision. However, after a few minutes, it started to pop into visibility, which was amazing. After around 10 minutes of looking at the Leo triplet, I decided to hunt for a globular cluster, M53 in Coma Berenices. It was very easy to find, no averted vision needed. It looked like a faint grey blob, but the globular shape was fairly easy to make out. Finally, I went for M64, the black-eye Galaxy. It was there, hard to see, but again with averted vision I could make out that it was a Galaxy. Considering the atmosphere wasn’t very stable last night, I’m amazed that I managed to see all of these objects, and with such a small scope.(I also visited the regular binocular targets earlier in the evening, M45, M42 and M44 but I didn’t spend long on them). I’ve attached sketches of what the objects looked like through my scope.




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If you can find those targets in the 70mm, you'll have a ball with the larger dob. Whereabouts are you / what sort of skies do you have there? It must be quite dark.

These faint fuzzies don't require s stable atmosphere to be seen, they require translucency. Seeing and translucence are different and often conflicting conditions.

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Great stuff for such a small scope. I only just managed to spot M65 and 66 in a 12” scope last night, but my skies are about Bortle 7 and transparency wasn’t great here last night. Nice job, and the 8” will be fabulous when it arrives. 

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