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M81 and M82 with Esprit 100


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Like everyone else I took advantage of another rare clear night and had a go at M81 and M82 with my Esprit 100 and ASI2600MC Pro. I have been quite surprised with the images I have been getting given that the scope is still setup in my work office garden under Bortle 7/8 skies. Still looking forward to taking it home where I have Bortle 3/4 skies. This was 110 x 120s subs using an Optolong L-Pro filter.


Edited by ParallaxPete
Image tweaked to fix green/blue colour cast
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This is a really nicely framed image with some great detail and really good star colours. The filaments on M82 show up really well.

Looking at it on my monitor there is a significantly green/blue cast to the image; I sampled the background in Affinity and the G and B values are quite a lot more than the R over most of the background; maybe it more accurate to say there is a lack of R!  Whatever, I removed the green in PixInsight and it really enhances the galaxy colours. Which software packages did you use tp pre / post-process your image?





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7 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

This is a really nicely framed image with some great detail and really good star colours. The filaments on M82 show up really well.

Looking at it on my monitor there is a significantly green/blue cast to the image; I sampled the background in Affinity and the G and B values are quite a lot more than the R over most of the background; maybe it more accurate to say there is a lack of R!  Whatever, I removed the green in PixInsight and it really enhances the galaxy colours. Which software packages did you use tp pre / post-process your image?





Thank you.

Aha, you are quite correct. I did have the background a more neutral colour but ending up fiddling with the image again which seems to have altered the balance. I'll go back and tweak it again.

I do an initial colour calibration in SiriL and then edit in GIMP.

Edited by ParallaxPete
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1 hour ago, geeklee said:

Worth viewing at full resolution as there's loads of detail in both the galaxies @ParallaxPete  Great work.  Echoing Adrian's comments, removing the slight green(/blue) cast should produce a more balanced colour, especially in the galaxies.

Thank you for the kind words. I didn't really notice the green cast at first, but when I went back and adjusted the levels it became very apparent indeed. Very happy with the image now, can't wait for the next clear night to do some more imaging. I certainly wish I hadn't waited so long before getting back into astrophotography again.

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9 minutes ago, ParallaxPete said:

can't wait for the next clear night to do some more imaging.

I think it's a deceptive night up here in NE Scotland.  All the forecasts look iffy, but looking out shows a lot of clear sky.  That's way too risky to get all the kit outside!

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11 minutes ago, geeklee said:

I think it's a deceptive night up here in NE Scotland.  All the forecasts look iffy, but looking out shows a lot of clear sky.  That's way too risky to get all the kit outside!

No such luck here in Aberdeen, it's currently snowing!

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2 minutes ago, ParallaxPete said:

No such luck here in Aberdeen, it's currently snowing!

You're right, just looked out the window again and it's all snow! :D I swear just before I posted the above, I'd stuck my head out and could see plenty of stars!  Maybe it was hope more than anything! :D 

Edited by geeklee
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