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Modded Canon 250d question.


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Below is a single 120 sec RAW sub of the Flame Nebula from last night. Does it look normal? Would you recommend a filter?

WOGT81 Mk4 with Flat6a.
Canon modded 250d at ISO 1600
No filters
Bortle 5
Moon 16%






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It's obviously not a RAW image as it has colour so is it actually the JPEG image from the camera?  If so I would suggest first stacking all your true RAW images and then apply colour balancing to the resulting image before deciding if you need a filter.

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I had the same problem - washed out images because of light pollution - and opted for a City Lights Suppression (CLS) filter. The one one chosen was the Astronomik clip in variety.  Eventually this was joined by 7 nm  H alpha and Oiii filters.  You may see quite a bit of advice against using narrow band filters with a DSLR, but I was happy with the results.

While the CLS filter made imaging DSOs possible, it was quite hard/impossible to get an accurate colour representation.  Fortunately we switched from Sodium street lights to LEDs a little while back and I switched from DSLR to dedicated Astro (OSC) camera.  This set up doesn't seem half so badly affected by the LEDs as the DSLR was with the Sodium lights.

Here's an example of DSLR narrow band (Ha + Oiii) image combined with an unfiltered star field: 

Eastern Veil bi-colour.jpg

Edited by almcl
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