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Successful Test - I believe.


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This is only 2 Hours of Ha data and was in fact just done as a test (on an old favourite).....so don't pay too much attention to the framing. I was not so sure how the reducer (that I bought for the FSQ106) now on the FSQ130, would work with the big CCD chip of the FLI16200 camera.....but I think it will OK. It gives me quite a wide field of view for my cooled CCD camera (158.8x198.1 arcmin @ 2.64 ArcSec/Pix shooting at f/3.6) that will be very useful from time to time.  

Seagull (1185 x 1481).jpg

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51 minutes ago, peter shah said:

I'd have to agree a very successful test

Thanks Peter - I cannot believe that I had bought the 18.5mm spacer I needed to do this, more than a year ago....and did not try it until last night. Such a pity as it would have (but still will be) excellent for some of the big nebulas.

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