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Looking For More Reach

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Hi All

I'm possibly looking at adding a second imaging scope to my setup.  I currently have a widefield setup which consists of a WO GT71 with 183mc Cooled camera on a EQ6r Pro mount, I wouldn't sell or change this setup - I love it!

However, I want to add another OTA to give me a bit more reach for smaller galaxies/nebula, moon and planets etc.  I want it to slot into my current setup as much as possible but realise I may be in for another camera if I want to do moon and planets etc.

I have a couple of ideas myself but am wondering what suggestions people might have with a budget of £1k, prefer new but don't mind used if it's worth it.

I'm not looking to do this until the end of the year but I need to set my sights on a goal to help me save the money, what are people thoughts on a suitable OTA to suit my needs?



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I think there are two elements to what you call reach. Longer focal length to give higher resolution or image scale and aperture to obtain fainter objects. 

Depending on which or both will impact the choice. Look at the images in the observing section and see what kit is being used to guide you.

Regards Andrew 

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Andrew's right. You have to consider pixel size carefully.

With 2.4 micron pixels you won't need a huge focal length to reach the roughly 1 arcsecond per pixel which is good for galaxies (other than the large M31, M33 and M101.)  500mm will get you there. Any longer and you'll be over-sampling on those tiny pixels, though you could resample downwards in processing. The field of view will soon become small at longer FL, though.

The problem is that this isn't a FL for planetary and lunar imaging. I'm not sure that the task of finding a single scope which will be good for DS galaxies and solar system is possible since the focal lengths required are so different when the DS camera has such small pixels.


Edited by ollypenrice
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Thanks for the quick replies...

When I'm referring to reach I'm thinking focal length.  So based on my current imaging train from what I understand from Olly is that 500mm would be my "ceiling" with my current camera, thats good to know.  

However, it's quite a ways from planetary and lunar.  So, I guess the next decision is going to be, do I want to to get a little extra focal length to keep within the limitations of my current camera.  Or live with what I already have for deep sky and just get something for planetary and lunar along with a suitable camera and maybe look at getting a mak or an sct


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